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The Lone Lighthouse

The story behind the lighthouse:

A lone lighthouse sits on a cliff edge overlooking the rolling clouds of a mountain landscape. A long time ago this lighthouse used to be surrounded by the sea but over time the water has receded to new places and has left behind the lighthouse which now overlooks a barren mountain landscape.

This was a collaborative piece with another student. I am responsible for the base model of the lighthouse, the base textures of the lighthouse, the look dev, lighting, and compositing of this piece. Below is the final animation.

Look Dev Rigs:

Below are the look development rigs for both the lighthouse and the mountains.


Below is a compositing breakdown of my process creating the final piece. I rendered the mountains and lighthouse separately for quicker render times. I also rendered out a heigh ramp layer in order to achieve the atmospheric perspective. I then did a final color correction in Nuke. 

Textures and Reference:

Below are the reference images I used and texture maps.

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